2nd February
- Show petri plates bread mold
- Discuss lab write-ups
- Show where students can get info to review from
- Discuss differences between bacteria and viruses and how they cause diseases
8th February
- Test February 17th
- Discuss grades
- One world – need to finish by Wednesday. Will write up on Wednesday
22nd February
- What is a mineral?
- How is it different than a rock?
- What are crystals?
- How are crystals made?
- How are minerals different from each other?
- How are minerals used? What is an ore?
23rd February
- Pass back and go over Micro Life Test
- Go over assignments on the wiki page
- Explain our activity
24th February
- Topic Today: Structure of the Earth – What do you already know?
- Key Concepts to learn today – What minerals are and how they relate to the structure of the earth.
- Do group activity to learn about minerals and update blogs and get assignments up to date.